We totally redesigned the way you add team members to project/task teams. While doing it we also included the possibility to add multiple Clients per project – a feature we’ve been asked for many times.
This is how the new Team Selector looks like:

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Is there a way to make the list of available task members limit to those who were first as project Team members? As I add more users, this list gets to be cumbersome to quickly scroll through. This would have the added benefit of reminding a project manager of someone who needs to be added to the project team if they don’t show up in the available team member list when adding a task member.
Also, practically speaking, the column is never going to be wide enough to show all task members if you show first AND last names. Even on a 1440 pixel wide screen I can only see about 3 team members in the column which doesn’t really help if there are more than that on the team. Can you make it so that the column only shows first or last, not both?
I recommend using “copy project team” link initially, this way the project team members will be already added and you don’t have to look for them again (but can also simply remove them).
This is a good point though. But the old version could not do even the fast search – so this selector is a major improvement. It does not mean it can not be improved even more.
Good point about the columns – though each team works differently and somebody may need first name and somebody may need the full name. We added those columns because we got many requests, though we understand the limitations of the screen size. May be we should look into providing an alternative column that uses only first name. Or may be it’s just easier to shorten everybody’s name in the Profiles (will work in all places then)… We would need to collect more feedback at this point.
Thank you for your suggestions.
“Copy project team” is, indeed, a good general solution. I will recommend this to our users.
As for the user column, maybe just another column selector for Last name only and another for first name only. Then users can add whichever one they want as part of their custom set up. In any case, this could be a very useful feature. Thanks for adding it.