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5pm maintenance5pm will be performing a scheduled maintenance on Saturday, June 25 between 5:00AM and 6:00AM EST. The service may be unavailable during the maintenance hours.

After adding a big round of new features in May-June, we realized how much 5pm has been improved over the years, even when just looking at the main view. Our designers decided to put together a quick side-by-side comparison of the very first 5pm interface and the one we have today. We hope you like it!

One-Page PDF Guide to 5pm

We just published a One-Page User Guide to 5pm in a PDF format. It makes it easy to share it with your team and print copies of it.

The guide covers the very basics of 5pm and will be helpful to your new team members.

People Avatars added

We just added the possibility to display people avatars (pictures) by their posts in Activity (can also be turned off).

Avatars make it easier to glance over the messages – make sure you upload yours through the “People” section (big tab on the left, used to be called “Profiles”).

Today we just released another big feature – custom color tagging for projects and tasks. Now you can:

  • assign text tag(s) to projects and tasks
  • color-code the tags for better visual distinction
  • filter projects/tags by tag(s)

With custom tags now you can cross-categorize your projects/tasks and also make them stand out visually. Once you be using it – you will start wondering why it wasn’t there before!

Did you ever try to preview a large image in full size, when it opens in a popup window? Now you can!

“View full size” option is available directly in the popup window (link on the bottom).

5pm Universal Imported is a new feature that makes it easy to import Projects/Tasks/Users from external files.

With UImporter you can load into 5pm free-format CSV or Excel files – it automatically tries to detect the fields and will allow you to map them manually. It also can import MS Project files in CSV format. [read more ]

In 5pm you can notify your project/task team and clients when adding or updating items. But sometimes you need even more control. Because of that, we just added a new option, called “custom”, that lets you individually pick the users who you want to notify by email. Now you can easily notify the whole team, or just one person!

5pm speaks Bulgarian

5pm translation project5pm interface is now available in Bulgarian! Special thanks to Tanya Toneva from careltranslations.com who helped with the translation.

All together 5pm is available in twenty(!) languages now: English, Swedish, French, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Polish, Italian, Croatian, Dutch, Finnish, Danish, Serbian, Hungarian, Slovak, Turkish, Korean, Chinese (Simplified) and now Bulgarian!

Want to see 5pm translated into your language? Any 5pm user can contribute (including the free trial accounts) – just use the “Settings” menu on the top of your 5pm screen. There is a link there called “5pm Translation” that will take you to the public translation area.

Cloning tasks with sub-tasks

A small, but highly requested update: now it’s possible to also clone tasks with their sub-tasks, not only the projects!