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Now you can use in the Timeline the same filter as in the main view, called “active” (it hides all the projects and tasks that are closed or are on hold):

5pm Timeline view

We’ve been working on this highly requested feature for many months and now it’s finally released! Tasks can be connected now to create task dependencies. In combination with the Timeline drag-and-drop editing, this makes the re-scheduling a breeze:

Task Dependecies in Timeline

Check the details on our website.

5pm updates

5pm updatesWe just released a bunch of updates, including:

  1. “Reply with Quote” function in Activity (use the right click to access it)
  2. General Report Print View new design
  3. Project/Task rollover tooltip window new design

international music and entertainment industry student association conference

5pm was one of the sponsors at International Music & Entertainment Industry Student Association Conference that took place at the Berklee college of music. A large group of students and educators from across the globe came together to discuss the future of the industry and 5pm project management tool helped organize the event.

international music and entertainment industry student association conference

5pm speaks Portuguese!

5pm speaks PortugueseThe 5pm interface is now available in Portuguese! This is the fifth language added after Swedish, French, Russian and Spanish (not counting the original English). Special thanks to Henry Hazan who helped with the translation.

Do you want to see 5pm translated into your language? Any 5pm user can contribute (including the free trial accounts) – just use the “Settings” menu on the top of your 5pm screen.

5pm speaks Spanish!

5pm_hi_spanishThe 5pm interface is now available in Spanish! This is the forth language added after Swedish, French and Russian (not counting the original English). Special thanks to Nacho Romero of Canary Islands Advanced Solutions, an aerospace engineering consulting firm in the Canary Islands, Spain (www.sacsl.es), where tools for on-line collaboration are very much needed to work with the rest of the world!

Do you want to see 5pm translated into your language? Any 5pm user can contribute (including the free trial accounts) – just use the “Settings” menu on the top of your 5pm screen.

5pm speaks Russian!

5pm speaks RussianThe 5pm interface is now available in Russian! This is the third language added after Swedish and French (not counting the original English). Special thanks to Alex Chekhachev from Mars Systems, who helped with the translation.

Do you want to see 5pm translated into your language? Any 5pm user can contribute (including the free trial accounts) – just use the “Settings” menu on the top of your 5pm screen.

Google Docs

If you are using Google Docs for editing and sharing your documents online, now you can easily import the links to them into 5pm [ more info ]

Internet Explorer 8IE8 was just released yesterday and we already tested 5pm on it – the results are very good. That’s great news for our users who plan to upgrade their browser.

5pm Academy opened today!

5pm AcademyToday we opened the 5pm Academy – a new section of our website. We will be sharing the best ways to use our project management tool. Feel free to send us your own 5pm tips and tricks!

Get the most out of 5pm!