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5pm speaks Serbian!

5pm translation project5pm interface is now available in Serbian! Special thanks to Predrag Jeremic who helped with the translation. All together 5pm speaks fourteen(!) languages now: English, Swedish, French, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Polish, Italian, Croatian, Dutch, Finnish, Danish and Serbian.

Do you want to see 5pm translated into your language? Any 5pm user can contribute (including the free trial accounts) – just use the “Settings” menu on the top of your 5pm screen. There is a link there called “5pm Translation” that will take you to the public translation area.

Google Docs added recently the possibility to upload any type of files. We just updated our “Link to Google Documents” function to support all those new types as well.

"Hide from Clients" flagSince it is a Friday, we decided to release a couple of updates at the same time. Today we also added the “Hide from Client(s)” flag to Messages and Files – now you can exchange private messages with your team without clients seeing them.

Besides this update and the new columns in the main view, a bunch of small fixes and performance improvements were also released. We hope you will like the changes.

New columns in the projects/tasks main view
Many of our users asked for it, and we made it happen! Now there are two more columns that you can add to your main projects/tasks view: “Team members” and “Clients”. Those columns are not visible by default – to add them, use the right click on the column headers. You can sort the projects/tasks by any column by just clicking on their headers.

This feature makes it very easy to see who is working on what, and what tasks don’t have anybody assigned to them.

5pm Time TrackerNow you can also download our free Time Tracking AIR widget though Adobe Marketplace.

We just released a small but very useful update to our Timeline view – now the calendar header doesn’t vertically scroll anymore, so the dates are always on the screen. [ more about 5pm Timeline ]

We totally redesigned the way you add team members to project/task teams. While doing it we also included the possibility to add multiple Clients per project – a feature we’ve been asked for many times.

This is how the new Team Selector looks like:

Team Selector

Mashable“I was struck by… how easy the system was to use without any sort of primer.” Read the whole article “5pm Makes Project Management Easy” by Christina Warren.

5pm speaks Danish!

5pm translation project5pm interface is now available in Danish! Special thanks to Janus Jacobsen who helped with the translation. All together 5pm speaks thirteen(!) languages now: English, Swedish, French, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Polish, Italian, Croatian, Dutch, Finnish and Danish.

Do you want to see 5pm translated into your language? Any 5pm user can contribute (including the free trial accounts) – just use the “Settings” menu on the top of your 5pm screen. There is a link there called “5pm Translation” that will take you to the public translation area.

Web Work 101: How to Escape the Cubicle“Web Work 101: How to Escape the Cubicle” is a free “getting started” guide for web workers, freelancers and telecommuters of all kinds that should help address those concerns. It’s a collection of WebWorkerDaily posts that will be useful whether you’re wondering if working remotely is the right move for you, or you’ve already set off on your web working journey.


You can download and read the book for free here: http://webworkerdaily.com/web-work-101-ebook/

Photo: http://www.fickr.com/photos/seanj/ / CC BY 2.0