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Undo/Redo in Timeline

Timeline makes it easy to re-schedule projects and task with a simply drag-and-drop. Now, if you made a mistake, there is an Undo/Redo function for those actions. [ read more about Timeline view]

We are proud to reveal 5pm for Android app!

5pm for Android is native, fast, and contains all the main features. You can navigate your projects and tasks, create new ones, post messages with attachments and so on… Give it a try and send us your feedback!

Download it from Google Play.

v2 preview — fast, responsive interface and tons of new features!

The new 5pm interface, called v2, is now officially released!

We totally redesigned the whole interface and also added many new features.

The legacy interface is still supported, and existing users can switch to v2 at any time to check it out, or switch back. New 5pm accounts will now default to v2.

To find out more about v2 and try it in action — use the “new interface” button on the top of your screen:

new interface!

Give it a try now! We hope you and your team will love it.

Check the full list of v2 updates and the transition guide.

Don’t have a 5pm account yet? Open your free trial now, no credit card required: https://www.5pmweb.com/signup.php

You can send us feedback via support [at] 5pmweb.com or via Facebook and Twitter.

“Reply” function on comments now automatically includes the email
notification for everybody that received the original comment’s email
notification (if it was sent), excluding the person posting the reply.

I means that when somebody posts a comment and sends an email notification about it to a group of people…

[continue reading…]

v2 Transition Guide

v2 Transition Guide

For all those who is switching to the new interface (v2) from the old one, we did put together the v2 Transition Guide. It also contains the full list of all the new features in v2.

You may also want to check the updated Help sections:

iPhone app: sorting order

We just added the ability to switch between custom (default) sort order and sorting by name, deadline or priority in the iOS app.

You can download the app from Apple store.

5pm v2 is out!

v2 preview — fast, responsive interface and tons of new features!

The new 5pm interface, called v2, is now available!

After a long time of development and testing it internally and with a selected group of clients, we just made it available to all accounts.

5pm new interface

We totally redesigned the whole interface and also added many new features.

new 5pm Timeline

And the best news is that we are supporting both the new and the existing interfaces. It means you can switch to v2 at any time to check it out, and switch back if you are not ready yet (it will not change it for the other users in your account).

To find out more about v2 and try it in action — use the “new interface” button on the top of your screen:

new interface!

Give it a try now! We hope you and your team will love it.

Check the full list of v2 updates and the transition guide.

Don’t have a 5pm account yet? Open your free trial now, no credit card required: https://www.5pmweb.com/signup.php

You can send us feedback via support [at] 5pmweb.com or via Facebook and Twitter.

Time Tracker widget update

5pm Time Tracker widget

We just updated 5pm Time Tracker widget with a few new functions:

  • filter projects/tasks assigned to me
  • additional sorting order – by deadline
  • tray icon reflects the widget status

You can read more about the widget on our website.


5pm now supports emojis (Win+period shortcut in Windows). You can add them to the project and task names, into your messages, even your user name. Have fun!

Now you can open and share any supported files (PDF, Excel, Word, Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.) on your iPhone.