Today we finally released the new updated Timeline – version 2!
While it may look familiar to you, it has been totally rebuilt. Besides the numerous small improvements, we also added big new feature like an advanced print mode and a project/task names list panel.
Since the new Timeline is a totally new version, it is released as a beta right now. You can switch between the old and new version in the Timeline tab.
Feel free to give it a try and let us know what you think.
We used to have the “Active” filter that hides the closed/on-hold projects and tasks, and also the “Auto-archive” filter than hides the closed ones after they have been closed for X days. The second filter was more difficult to find, and the word “archive” was misleading, since nothing is archived in reality, just hidden (and only on your screen).
We decided to combine those filters into a single view filter that lets you easily hide what you don’t want to see, and also makes it clear when the filter is applied. You can see the new filter on the top of your left panel. We hope you will find the new filter easier to use – same functionality, all in one place now.
Just over a month ago we added Stripe as an option for credit card payments (an alternative to PayPal) for our subscription-based project management service 5pm ( After observing it for a month, we also added it to smartQ workflow management service ( So far, It has been working very well. So what is Stripe (, and why is it a viable alternative to PayPal?
Also, check the follow up article “Stripe + PayPal – Google Checkout = ?“
If you are a SaaS (like us) and are offering a subscription service (that’s the important part),
there are not many options if you don’t want to deal with processing the credit cards through your site (and deal with payment gateways, merchant accounts, PCI compliance, etc.).
PayPal is was the first choice that usually comes up – and we have been using it for years. But there are not many choices beyond that. Google Checkout? No, thank you. Even after introducing the support for recurring payments, Google Checkout still looks and acts like it’s in beta when dealing with subscriptions. In fact, we spent weeks implementing it as an alternative to PayPal – well, it took them 15 days to reply to the email that supplied documentation for a chargeback. At the end, we hit the wall – it can not deal with subscription plan upgrades/downgrades. We had to abandon Google Checkout… Luckily, at that exact moment we discovered Stripe.
[continue reading…]
We just added a new payment method to our 5pm monthly plans. Before that all monthly payments were processed through PayPal and required to create a PayPal account. Now we added the possibility to process credit cards without leaving our website (through and without the need to create a PayPal account.
As before, 5pm does not store the credit card information and we have no access to our clients credit cards.
We just added the integration with Dropbox file storage service.
Now you can easily link any files from Dropbox – documents, pictures, etc.
Using 5pm with Dropbox gives you the flexibility to keep your files in Dropbox, while still linking to them from 5pm – no need to store them in two locations!
We just updated our Google Docs and Google Apps Docs integration to work with new Google Drive interface.
Now you can easily link any files from Google Drive – documents, pictures, etc.
Using 5pm and Google Drive together makes it easy to collaborate on word documents and spreadsheets without worrying about the latest version.
Advanced Access Management and Logging is an advanced security setting that lets you track who and from where accesses (or tries to access) your 5pm site and even limit access to certain geographic locations! [ read more ]
This new flag on the bottom of Settings window (available to Administrators only) allows you to apply the same personal settings to all people in your 5pm account – so you can set the time zone, language, deadline reminder, etc. for your whole team at once!
This November we are proud to celebrate five years of constant growth and improvement of our 5pm project management app.
We are continuing to improve 5pm and are working on exciting new features like a new iPhone app, a new Timeline version, an in-app chat – to mention a few in development right now.
We want to thank all our clients for the feedback and support, and are looking forward to new ideas to work on!
Halloween is here! Carve your virtual pumpkin with no mess and send it to your friends and family! [ click here ]